Hello folks, due to the decreased use of our scheduling service (the paid one through Acuity) we have decided to shutter that portion of the services we had been providing. In place of the gaming schedule, we have embedded a Google calendar into the website on the Events page, and anyone can submit an event to be shared on that calendar simply by inviting admin@nmgs.club to their Google event. This will streamline the process and allow a lot more people to have their events on the calendar.


While we won’t be enforcing specific formatting of the events, generally your calendar event should include the following basic details:

    • What: The game system being run and perhaps a general description of your specific game.
    • Where: Whether online, at a public venue like a game store, or a private residence.
    • When: Time & date, as well as any recurrences, such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
    • Who: Is this group open to new participants or a closed group, & what age should they be?


How you format your event is completely up to you, however, we do ask if an event is intended for either younger audiences or more mature audiences, that you include this detail in the event’s name to make it clear. We also request that if your event is in your private residence, you only provide the general area that you are in, but do not include your actual address on the shared event, rather send that information directly to the individuals you have chosen to participate. Once our admins have reviewed your event to verify all the information is there, we’ll share it with the community.


Since we are no longer registering Event Hosts using the scheduling system as we had previously, if you run games and would like to be granted the Discord role of Event Host, simply reach out to one of the admins (Linda D. or Christof D.) Event Hosts are allowed to post in the announcements channel as well as the event host categories. On request, they can also be given a category of their own in our discord server to have channels for text, voice, and video conversations with other members of NMGS for your specific events.


At the moment, there is only one event on the calendar, being a closed group recurring game that one of the Admins runs. We know our community is active, and many of you run one or more game sessions regularly. Some of those are conducted in NMGS discord channels or with folks you might have met and chatted with in NMGS before, and possibly in between, game sessions. With that in mind, we look forward to adding your events to our calendar to fill it up and show how active the New Mexico gaming community truly is.

Thank you all for your continued participation in the New Mexico Gamers Society and for helping to make our gaming community the robust and diverse place it is today.



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